Common Good Balance

Majoral has been an associated company of the Catalan Association for the Promotion of ECG since 2017, although it initiated its first Common Good Balance (CGB) in 2013, reviewing the period of 2012. This first process drove a change in the origin of supplies and raw materials, as well as the continuation of a route already initiated by the company since its origins in the 1970s.

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is a socioeconomic model whose primary objective is to achieve the common good, that is, a good life for everyone on a healthy planet. The ECG aims to reorient the current economic model, based on maximizing individual benefit, and focus it on serving the common good. The main idea is that ECG companies are oriented and committed to human dignity, solidarity, social justice, environmental sustainability, transparency, and democratic participation. These values govern personal relationships and should also govern economic relationships between organizations.

In this section of Majoral's website, the results of the Common Good Balance are detailed, a tool created for organizational development and the evaluation of business activity through scoring and qualifying its contribution to the common good.

COMMON GOOD BALANCE of MAJORAL JEWELRY Corresponding to the period 2018-2019 and audited in 2023.

According to the basic manual on the Common Good Balance, four levels are established: Beginner, Active, Proactive, Leader. During the period 2018-2019, MAJORAL JEWELRY has obtained the "Active" level.

The starting point (Beginner) corresponds in most cases to legal standards, although in other aspects it is more demanding than current regulations. The use of the balance as a roadmap has allowed Majoral to obtain 270 points in its first balance, reaching the "Active" level. The complete and audited report can be consulted in the archive of the Catalan Association for the Promotion of the Economy for the Common Good.

Our Code of Ethics

  • 1_

    Majoral Jewelry integrates a series of values into its relationships both inside and outside the organization. These values are an essential part of its corporate culture and are based on the Declaration of Human Rights. The organization subscribes to the declaration made by the United Nations on December 10, 1948, and will act according to these principles as indicated in this code of ethics.

  • 2_

    It will incorporate workers into its teams who are also aligned under these principles and who act with the same logic.

  • 3_

    Workers will have the right to a decent salary based on their job position and effort contributed. There will never be negative discrimination based on gender or origin, and the organization will do everything possible to welcome and integrate all people according to their abilities. A good work environment will always be fostered, and in case of conflict, the corresponding protocol will be applied. Majoral Jewelry has a protocol for cases of sexual harassment. The right to have a workplace that complies with occupational safety regulations, work-life balance, and training will be guaranteed. Likewise, workers will periodically receive information about the company's commercial and financial situation, future plans, and guaranteed access for decision-making in their work area.

  • 4_

    Non-negative impact on the environment will be a priority axis of Majoral Jewelry. It will periodically evaluate possible impacts caused and, in confirmed cases, will establish proportionate compensation mechanisms.

  • 5_

    Majoral Jewelry is fully entitled to choose those supply sources (providers) that respect these same principles and values described here and that comply with them in the same way as Majoral Jewelry.

  • 6_

    Priority will be given to those suppliers who guarantee and inform about the origin of their products and services, as well as the social and environmental impact they may have caused. The situation of the country of origin will also be verified on the public list to check and determine potential risks. Majoral Jewelry applies the Due Diligence System with all its counterparts, whether customers or suppliers, as well as a KYC (Know Your Counterpart) form.

  • 7_

    External workshops with which production contracts have been signed must also comply with the same requirements demanded of Majoral Jewelry's own workshops, as well as those of all suppliers in general, including the KYC form as a verification and mutual knowledge tool. Sales to intermediaries with the end customer will be carried out under these same principles, and intermediaries who commit repeated infractions without having made reparation for the harm caused will not be accepted.

  • 8_

    Sales to end customers will be made by informing them of the principles and values that drive Majoral Jewelry. They will be provided with all necessary information about the products they have purchased and also details about possible social and environmental impacts.

  • 9_

    Regarding General Interest, all legal and fiscal frameworks will be respected and consequently, the identity of buyers, ownership of bank accounts, and any element that might indicate a violation of the Money Laundering Prevention Law or any other regulation will be verified. In case of manifest evidence, the protocols established by Sepblac (Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses) will be followed.

  • 10_

    Regarding advertising, Majoral Jewelry commits to using it only to inform about truthful facts about the brand, basically news, and also to make it known to those who are not familiar with it. It may also issue statements arguing about real events or showing its positioning in relation to facts that affect society.

  • 11_

    We request from our suppliers and intermediary clients:

    Subscribe to this code of ethics
  • 12_

    List of suppliers and intermediary clients who have subscribed to the code of ethics and have granted permission to appear published on the website.

Due Diligence System of Majoral Jewelry


As a company that is part of a supply chain primarily of precious metals transformed into jewelry, Majoral Jewelry informs all its agents, whether internal or external, about the principles and values with which the organization will relate to third parties both internally and externally.

This is the scheme we have followed according to OECD recommendations.

Source: OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct (2018)

This document is based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply.

Majoral Jewelry commits to fully incorporating responsible business conduct into its policies and management systems. Consequently, it will identify and evaluate possible negative impacts caused in its supply chains and commercial relationships in which it participates so that they can be prevented, reduced, or eliminated.

Similarly, it will carry out a review to verify the result of the modifications or suppressions implemented, detailing the measures being taken to address these impacts and consequently, what measures the organization applies to repair them in those cases where it has not been possible to avoid them.

Majoral Jewelry integrates a series of values into its relationships both inside and outside the organization. These values are an essential part of its corporate culture and are based on the Declaration of Human Rights. The organization subscribes to the declaration made by the United Nations on December 10, 1948, and will act in accordance with these principles as indicated in its code of ethics:

As a consequence of having subscribed to the declaration made by the United Nations on December 10, 1948, regarding Human Rights, Enric Majoral SL establishes procedures to detect, avoid, and correct when necessary, possible impacts on Human Rights that may have been caused throughout its business chain.

Similarly, compliance with the laws established in the European Union and all those rules derived from them is guaranteed.

Majoral Jewelry will use the RJC Toolkit to identify any risk situations that might exist throughout its chain of commercial relationships.

Upstream origin of possible impacts on human rights.

Product and service suppliers can be architects, or also victims, of certain impacts on Human Rights, and this circumstance may have been transferred throughout the business chain. Majoral Jewelry will ALWAYS make the pertinent inquiries to verify that the products and services it contracts will be exempt from this issue. These inquiries will include a mandatory procedure for all new suppliers or clients (counterpart) which will in turn include a KYC (Know Your Counterpart) form.

  1. It will be verified that the country or region of origin is not included in the list of conflict countries:
  2. Priority will be given to suppliers who are members of certification systems that offer sufficient guarantees (Fairmined, RJC...). These guarantees may refer to the environment, child exploitation, or any other factor that may raise suspicions that some impact on Human Rights is occurring.
  3. Priority will also be given to suppliers who explicitly affirm their commitment to the same values that guide Majoral Jewelry. Suppliers and intermediary clients who have subscribed to Majoral Jewelry's Code of Ethics.
  4. Priority will also be given to suppliers who have been audited by recognized organizations to verify the truthfulness of their statements.
  5. Evidence will be required from all suppliers who do not offer the above guarantees.

Downstream origin of possible impacts on human rights.

  1. Majoral Jewelry will properly identify its clients to avoid impersonation, deviations, and general negative consequences on Human Rights. Consequently, it must comply with all legal procedures listed in the Law for the prevention of money laundering (19/1993 December 28 and 12/2003 May 21).
  2. Renewable energy sources will be used for any of its establishments.
  3. Organic and compostable materials will be used for the cases and packaging of its products, and recyclable when there is no alternative.
  4. It will ensure that all its working people have decent psychosocial and salary conditions.
  5. It will correctly inform its end customers about the products purchased and in turn will ask them to make responsible use of them.

Reparation measures for possible impacts on human rights.

If circumstances arise where Majoral Jewelry is directly or indirectly responsible for any impact on Human Rights, it must repair the harm caused to those affected, proportionally according to its degree of responsibility. Reparations may be both economic and symbolic.

Measures of denunciation, punishment, or retaliation may also be taken in relation to those causing the impacts. In the form of contract termination in the case of suppliers or dismissals in the case of working people of the organization.

The causes of the impact will also be analyzed to prevent them from recurring in the future.

Information measures regarding human rights.

Majoral Jewelry is obliged to communicate periodically at least once a year the incidents or absence thereof that may have occurred. Communication can be made in the form of a Newsletter on the corporate website, or by email to interested parties through a report on their commercial policies.

Measures regarding the detection of possible commissions, gifts, and bribes.

Majoral Jewelry understands bribery in its strictest sense, that is, offering or giving (as well as demanding or receiving) any undue advantage to (or from): public officials, political candidates, parties or officials, or employees, directors, or officials of the private sector.

It is a form of relationship between people that the organization explicitly rejects and will not tolerate under any circumstances. Neither in the name of the company nor personally will advantages be offered to groups or individuals in exchange for accepting sales contracts or any other kind. It will also not be tolerated that donations are made afterward as a result of having been able to accept certain agreements. The same will be done in reverse. Advantages will not be demanded or accepted afterward for having signed purchase contracts or any other kind.

No commissions will be offered to agents who are members of client organizations (potential or not), just as it will not be tolerated for members of Majoral Jewelry to accept commissions from suppliers or agents of other organizations in exchange for accepting purchase contracts or other types.

No gifts will be made in exchange for accepting sales contracts or similar. Nor will it be accepted that a Majoral Jewelry worker receives any gift for the simple fact of having signed contracts with suppliers or other external agents.

This measure has been ratified by the Management of Majoral Jewelry in the management meeting held on 11/30/2022 and is recorded in the minutes.

Bribery: risk areas.

Purchasing department managers are part of a risk area susceptible to receiving offers of advantages or directly advantages once purchase contracts have been accepted. Although the nuance is rather vague, it will be necessary to distinguish, for example, between a Christmas gift received from a supplier (increasingly less common) that on some occasions may be intended for a specific person, and that less justified gift that may not be made publicly. In the first case, the gift can only be accepted if it is made in the name of all company members and distributed among them, as they are generally food products. Any collective celebration in the company can be used to make use of these gifts that are accepted only for the simple fact of being a cause for socially shared joy.

Sales department managers are also part of a risk area, but in our understanding lesser, since, in the case of bribery occurring, it should be in the reverse direction, that is, offering or giving advantages to purchasing managers of other organizations. This situation would already be part of a deliberate policy by the organization and it would be unlikely that this infraction would have its origin in an individual initiative of the sales manager. Majoral Jewelry does not allow its members to offer any type of advantage to purchasing managers of client companies.

The company maintains a register of gifts and donations made.

Policies and measures regarding workplace violence.

Majoral Jewelry explicitly rejects and prohibits any type of violence among its members, both inside and outside its premises and whether this violence is exercised on people who are members or not of the organization. This rejection and prohibition also includes animals.

If any circumstance is proven in which any member of the organization has exercised any type of violence, the corresponding complaint will be filed and it will be considered a very serious offense, which may be cause for disciplinary dismissal.

Policies and measures regarding child labor.

Majoral Jewelry prohibits child labor and ensures that it does not indirectly participate by favoring or tolerating it. To avoid these situations, suppliers who equally prohibit this practice and can ensure compliance are selected. Thus, the resolutions of ILO Convention 138 and Recommendation 146 that establishes minimum ages at 15 years will be complied with so that minors can complete mandatory minimum schooling.

Policies and measures regarding forced labor.

Majoral Jewelry assumes and complies with the provisions of ILO Convention 29 regarding not participating in or favoring forced labor, including prison labor for servitude, contracted or non-voluntary. Special care must be taken when contracting manufacturing services to companies that do not respect this convention. Especially those located in other countries.

Policies and measures regarding workplace discrimination.

People in the organization may not practice or approve any form of discrimination in the workplace, in relation to contracts, continuity of employment, remuneration, overtime, access to training, professional development, promotion, leave, or retirement. This includes discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, caste, national origin, religion, disability or genetic information, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, marital status, parental or pregnancy status, physical appearance, HIV status, age, or any other personal characteristic not related to the inherent requirements of the job. Members must ensure that all people "fit to work" have the same opportunities and are not discriminated against by factors unrelated to their ability to perform their duties.

Policies and measures regarding hazardous substances.

No person in the company will manufacture or use chemical products or hazardous substances that are subject to international prohibitions. The chemical substances necessary for jewelry manufacturing are strictly regulated with indications about their degree of danger with the informative dossier on how to act in case of accident. An external company will be in charge of verifying compliance with this regulation that falls within the scope of work safety.

Policies and measures regarding the environment.

Majoral Jewelry has evaluated through a report the risks of negative impact that its commercial chain entails to thus establish the measures it considers necessary to reduce or eliminate these risks. When a negative impact could not be avoided, it must be actively repaired.

Resource allocation.

Human resources will come from different areas of responsibility:



This is the first report that Majoral Jewelry produces on its commercial practices, and it is for this reason that it encompasses a period longer than the natural year. This report is made based on the obligation that comes with being within the RJC certificate and from this year on will be reproduced annually updated to be disseminated, either by publishing it on the corporate website, or through email communication to interested parties such as workers, customers, or suppliers of Majoral Jewelry.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations are taken as the main reference elements. The report will explain the situation in which Majoral Jewelry's commercial practices are in relation to these objectives. Majoral Jewelry also wants to make it explicitly public that it rejects any commercial relationship that implies a violation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. We will avoid contributing to the financing of armed groups and money laundering, as well as any relationship that involves corruption, fraud, or blackmail of any kind.

Basic commercial structure of Majoral Jewelry.

Our activity consists mainly of designing, manufacturing, and marketing jewelry. Since 2013, we also distribute Fairmined certified metal to other jewelry professionals.

Since its inception, our organization has been commercially focused on two basic customer profiles:

1. End customer.

2. Intermediary customer.

We understand an intermediary customer as that person or organization that also sells to the end customer. The main objective of Majoral Jewelry and its intermediary customers is to satisfy the needs of this end customer.

Majoral Jewelry has six own jewelry establishments that allow direct attention to customer needs, but it is obvious that these are only found in some limited points of geography. Sales through intermediary customers allow extending attention to customers who are outside this geographical scope. On the other hand, having had a virtual store since 2003 also allows attending to numerous customers from around the world.

Majoral Jewelry's commercial practices during the period.

The year 2021 was still a period fully affected by the situation created by the Covid-19 pandemic. In contrast, 2022 has already been a period in which normality has apparently returned, at least concerning billing.

As an organization, we believe that due to the structure we have explained before, we can positively influence the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the following way:

From the points of sale, we can positively affect the following objectives:

  • SDG 5 Gender equality.
  • SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth.
  • SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure.
  • SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • SDG 12 Responsible production and consumption
  • SDG 13 Climate action.
  • SDG 17 Partnerships for sustainable development.

Commercial practices that positively influence.

Both in our own establishments and in the execution of Majoral's commercial directives, women are the protagonists. In fact, 80% of the people in the organization are women. 40% of management positions and 90% of responsibility positions are women. We have 5 physical stores and 1 virtual store in which we have hired a total of 11 people (all women). All these people receive remuneration that exceeds the minimum of the Metal Trade Agreement and all have access to a distribution of annual benefits based on variable remuneration according to agreed objectives.

The vast majority of products for sale are manufactured with certified metals since 2019 as the organization manufactures all its jewelry with certified metals, either Fairmined or RJC. The manufacture of jewelry is carried out entirely in Catalonia.

All brand establishments use electricity from renewable sources marketed by the Som Energia cooperative, of which Majoral is also a member.

Promotion and dissemination campaigns are limited to a few communications throughout the year aimed mainly at end customers. In 2021 for this type of customer, there were 3 communications about new collections, 5 about public events carried out by Majoral, 2 promotions, and 1 Christmas greeting. Regarding intermediary customers, only 5 communications have been made throughout 2021.

Another usual commercial practice, but which since 2020 has ceased to be done, is attending international fairs. Specifically, Couture (Las Vegas). During the reported period, no commercial fair has been attended, but face-to-face and virtual visits have been made to intermediary customers. These visits help establish bonds of trust between the parties and novelties are explained. In no case is pressure exerted to achieve a greater order volume, but simply explains the reception that a certain collection has had among customers of the own stores and what space the new product intends to fill.

Both in 2021 and 2022, a poetry contest has been convened for Sant Jordi Day. The 3 winners have received a piece of jewelry as a prize. In February 2022, a free cleaning campaign for Majoral jewelry was also carried out. This campaign has been disseminated by email (Newsletter).

Regarding the discount policy, this consists of offering the intermediary customer a discount only when payment is made immediately or in advance. The end customer is offered a loyalty card called Majoral Friend's that accumulates a percentage on each purchase and when the customer decides, it is applied to reduce the price of a new purchase. With this system, poorly justified discounts are avoided that often would only obey the insistence of some customers.

Majoral Jewelry wants its commercial activity to influence as positively as possible and carries out a series of collaborative commercial actions with various entities. Thus, during the 2021-2022 period, campaigns have been carried out with the ACE Foundation for which a bracelet called Instant was designed. The benefits from the sale of this jewelry go entirely to the entity. In 2021, an in-kind donation was also made to the Spanish Association Against Cancer in the Balearic Islands.

During 2021, due to the extreme situation of energy prices, we also spread through social networks news about Majoral Jewelry's support for the Som Energia cooperative, contributing €1,000 during the campaign that the cooperative made to increase its capital and thus be able to overcome the electricity price crisis.

From our purchasing and manufacturing activities, we can positively impact the following objectives:

  • SDG 1 No poverty.
  • SDG 2 Zero hunger.
  • SDG 3 Good health and well-being.
  • SDG 4 Quality education.
  • SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation.
  • SDG 10 Reduced inequalities.
  • SDG 14 Life below water.
  • SDG 15 Life on land.
  • SDG 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions.
  • SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals.

Commercial practices that positively influence from our purchasing and manufacturing departments.

Our purchases of silver and Fairmined gold raw materials contribute to reducing poverty, hunger, inequality and increasing health, well-being, education, sanitation, terrestrial and marine life, as well as contributing to peace and social justice.

The Fairmined certificate establishes that for each gram of gold purchased from the mines, 4 USD must be paid. This money is transferred to a specific bank account for each mine and is periodically audited. This money can only be used for community improvements (education, sanitation...) or the production cycle (improvements in environmental preservation).

Majoral Jewelry carries out all its metal alloys without adding any type of harmful substances or substances likely to cause allergies. All electrical energy in the Majoral Jewelry workshop comes from renewable sources.

A significant number of the gems we market in our jewelry, including diamonds, have absolute traceability and a respectful origin with the environment and people is guaranteed. In this sense, Majoral Jewelry commits to extending this type of guarantee to all its gems. Our option is to choose natural gems with the least possible treatment.

Some of our campaigns are closely related to the world of culture and in this sense, some of our creations are carried out through direct collaboration with artists from other disciplines. This campaign is called "Created with...". During this period, both Enric Majoral and Roc Majoral have participated in some art contests as jury members.

In 2021, the book Enric Majoral. La Joia Expandida was published. Also in 2022, an exhibition has been organized at the Design Museum of Catalonia (HUB) under the same title as the book.

Majoral Jewelry will undergo periodic audits by third parties so that all statements made in this document can be verified.